Commute with Us!

What do you get when you RideOn Together?


Even if you own a car, you still have lots of options! With RideOn, you can discover ways to travel that match what matters to you: saving money, better health, or reducing your carbon footprint.

Whether it’s riding your bike or walking, taking the bus or joining a carpool or vanpool--you choose what works for you, and how often. Every day makes a difference!

Feel Great!

Commuting by carpool, taking transit, and riding a bike are all linked to better health, a happier outlook, and increased productivity. You’ll arrive at work less stressed, more alert and energized.*

*Source: “Active commuting to work or school: Association with subjective well-being and work-life balance”

Less traffic. Less stress.

Sitting in traffic is a waste of time and fuel. Riding with friends, working from home, or even flexing your schedule to avoid rush hour--saves you both! Less traffic also makes our streets safer and our communities more enjoyable places to live.

Save money

People who switch from driving alone can save thousands of dollars per year on gas and maintenance.** For long-distance (25+ mis) commuters, a vanpool saves wear & tear on your personal vehicle and costs LESS than driving alone. Ask RideOn about starting or joining a vanpool.

**Source: AAA Driving Costs

Get Rewarded

RideOn wants to say “Thanks” for doing your part. Every time you log a ‘green’ commute to work or school, you get another chance to win!. Telework counts, too, so be sure to log those days you worked but didn’t drive. Find out more about RideOn Rewards.

Employer Benefits

Recent years have shown just how much employee engagement matters. Employees who feel their company cares about them as a person are more likely to stay with that employer and to be more productive and proactive. They’re also much more likely to recommend your company to friends.***

***Source: ”Workplace Well-Being”

RideOn’s experts will work with your representative to design a transportation assistance plan tailored specifically to the needs of your team. In a matter of weeks, you can offer transportation benefits employees will appreciate--at no cost to you.