Emergency Ride Home Program
Don't let "What if--?" worries make you miss out on
the every day benefits of a green commute. Because RideOn has you covered!
To qualify, you simply log your smart commute trips
at least 3 days a week. Any combination of bus, bike, walk or carpool/vanpool works; just drag &
drop the icons on your calendar.
If you bike or walk, sync the RideOn app with your fitness
tracker--your trips will be logged automatically!
Then, if something happens (such as illness or unexpected overtime)
to disrupt your usual way home, go to your calendar and click on the ERH icon. The system will
instantly verify your qualifying trips, authorize your request, and connect you with a provider.
You get a quick, safe ride home and RideOn gets the bill.
"I carpool with my spouse. Does that count?"
Yes. Any two
adults who pool to work/school at least 3 days
per week qualify.
"What qualifies as an emergency?"
Any unforeseen situation
that disrupts your usual trip home.
If your pool driver went home sick or your supervisor unexpectedly
asks you to stay late, that would qualify. If you walked or biked and
dangerous weather arises, that would qualify.
If you know ahead of time that your ride won't be available (pool
driver on vacation; scheduled for hours outside transit service),
that does not qualify as an emergency. You need to make other
"Can I use it to get TO work or school?"
No. The purpose of
ERH Program is to get you safely home in the
event of an emergency.
Am I limited to a certain number of uses?"
Fortunately, most
ERH participants discover they rarely—if ever—use their ERH
privileges. If an unusual number of requests are made by an individual (3+in a year), each
additional request will need to be approved by speaking with the program manager.
"If it's free to me, who pays?"
Emergency Ride Home Program is funded by a grant from the Florida Department of Transportation, to
encourage the use of sustainable commute choices.
Questions? Concerns? Contact
Questions? Concerns? Contact